Into the Muir Woods We Go

Mill Valley, California

Here’s a rare opportunity for city dwellers - a national park next to a metropolis. Take a trip to ancient redwoods with views that will stick deeply in your memory - and your heart.

Car graphic

Total battery usage in this trip:


Total distance

30 miles

Carbon saved by driving EV

23 lbs.

$ saved by driving EV


Main Image for Into the Muir Woods We Go

Heading to the woods, but grab some coffee on the go

Total battery usage since last stop


Miles since last stop

11 miles

As you make the drive to the Zig Zag trailhead, first stop and grab a delicious coffee from Buckeye Joe Coffee Kiosk. Coffee is of course a noted pick-me-up, but did you know it’s a savvy way to kick off a hike?

Image for Heading to the woods, but grab some coffee on the go

Park your car around the intersection of Lovell Road and Cascade Drive in Mill Valley

Total battery usage since last stop


Miles since last stop

5 miles

One thing to remember about the Bay Area’s much celebrated year-round temperate climate are the unexpected weather changes. Make sure you have three layers of clothing with you before heading out for the hike - and of course a good pair of walking/hiking shoes. And if you haven’t tried Bombas pleasantly satisfying socks, you’re missing out!

Image for Park your car around the intersection of Lovell Road and Cascade Drive in Mill Valley

Hike up Zig Zag Trail to Mountain Home Inn

This series of switchbacks must be the steepest route on Mount Tamalpais. In his novel, The Darma Bums, Jack Kerouac wrote about this gorgeous eminence, calling it as beautiful as any on Earth. Take your time - and a break or two - marching up the hill so you can enjoy the flora and fauna.


Take Alice Eastwood -> Plevin Cut -> Camp Eastwood -> Bootjack trails

This series of downward trailways takes you to the back entrance of Muir Woods (you will pop into the park at Bridge 4). You’ll weave your way through abundant forests - keep your eyes out for interesting birds - there are more than 150 breeds living in the local woods - such as Red-Tailed Hawks and Hairy Woodpeckers.

Image for Take Alice Eastwood -> Plevin Cut -> Camp Eastwood -> Bootjack trails

Walk around Muir Woods!

Here is a special place, a primeval forest filled with glorious redwood trees, some spanning back more than 1,000 years. This national park, dedicated in 1904 as the nation’s first in close proximity to a major city, remains a natural beauty that feels as if it harkens back to the beginning of time. We highly recommend doing a loop from Bridge 4 to Hillside Trail to Main Trail to Bridge 2 where you will see Redwood Creek, which eventually flows into the Pacific Ocean. And just in case you’re not familiar with one of the true originators of the term wanderlust, read more about John Muir here.

Image for Walk around Muir Woods!

Head back to Bridge 2 and take Canopy View Trail to Mountain Home Inn

Muir Woods has become incredibly popular, which means this less traveled route (also all uphill) is sure to get you away from any crowds you may have encountered. Walking amidst the serenity that encapsulates these stands of giant redwoods is a monumental experience.

Image for Head back to Bridge 2 and take Canopy View Trail to Mountain Home Inn

Grab a beer and bites at Mountain Home Inn and take in the views

You’ve done the work, now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Considered by Marin Magazine as one of the best locales for a day date, grab a beer and a meal and enjoy views that make you feel like you’re on top of the world. In one direction are a forest filled with trees while in another are the radiant blues of the Pacific Ocean.

Image for Grab a beer and bites at Mountain Home Inn and take in the views

Hike back down to Lovell Road/Cascade Drive in Mill Valley

Hiking up the ZigZag trail might seem like the hardest part of this adventure but make sure to take care coming down the steep terrain. Experts recommend using small steps to keep your glutes and butt muscles engaged, which your knees will thank you for later.


In need of some juice?

Total battery usage since last stop


Miles since last stop

3 miles

If your car needs a charge, there’s a charging station next to Whole Foods Mill Valley, there are 3 chargers here. If it’s a Friday, check out the farmers market put on all day by Rodriguez Organic Farm. If you only had a beer at Mountain Home Inn, there are some nice local restaurants while you're waiting, including picking up a to-go order from The Plant for vegetarians.

Image for In need of some juice?

One last view - the Golden Gate View Point

Total battery usage since last stop


Miles since last stop

10 miles

There are so many excellent locations to check out the Golden Gate, the city of San Francisco and the bay that stretches out to the west. This one is particularly stunning when it’s at night. Give your senses one more intoxicating view before heading home.

Image for One last view - the Golden Gate View Point

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